Grabbed some damn fine new music recently and am pretty excited to share it in the coming weeks. One of the artists I'm damn happy to finally have in the library is
Stardeath and White Dwarfs, who I found out about after they worked with
The Flaming Lips for their version of
Dark Side of the Moon. Very similar sound to the Lips, which isn't the easiest thing to accomplish. Also glad to have
Ultraviolet Hippopotamus finally making an appearance on the podcast; some long time friends of the show who recently released a
new album I've yet to get my grubby hands on. However, there are few tracks on
Songs For The Reaper I can't listen to at any given moment. Rounding out this week's edition is a special track shared with me by the immensely talented
Mallory Dowd, a song that will remain stuck in my head for three more days.
Lastly, next week will be the unveiling of some brand new liners created for the show by
Cube Bros co-creator Mike Klasek. I'd give more info, but then what's there to look forward to?
Here's what you'll be listening to in this week's edition:
32:44 -
Dark Meat / One More Trip / Universal Indians
36:35 - James Brown / I'm A Greedy Man Pt 1 / Sex Machine
48:14 -
Albino / Puppet Boy / Rhino
51:58 -
Dungen / Skit I Allt / Skit I Allt
54:55 -
Beck / Debra / Midnite Vultures