Things are indeed picking up here in Some Kind of Jam land. First and foremost, welcome and thank you to all of the new fans! This site and the social networks have been growing like crazy over the past few months and since no ads have been taken out or any of that jazz it's pretty much 100% word of mouth, so again, thanks to all y'all fine folks spreading the word.
Secondly, there's nice little gem in the middle of this week's show produced once again by
Cube Bros co-creator Michael Klasek. Though it hasn't been featured in the podcast yet, you can
CLICK HERE to hear from the other cube bro (Joe) and his intro for the show.
Lastly, just wanted to put out a reminder about another ticket giveaway coming up! Chicago
Funktion fans who want to see their May 5th CD release show for free just need to like the
Funktion or
Some Kind of Jam FB Page or follow on Twitter (
@FunktionKZoo or
@SomeKindOfJam) and they'll automatically be entered to win. Already a fan? Recommend friends and you're in the drawing too. One winner on each of the four pages. Good Luck!
Start Time - Artist / Track / Album
20:14 -
Bonobo / D Song / Dial M for monkey
55:46 -
Bob Dylan / From A Buick 6 / Highway 61 Revisited